openapi: "3.0.0" info: version: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT title: Swagger for Enterprise STIR/SHAKEN license: name: 'Proprietary, subject to specific license agreements' description: "Covers the REST API definitions to be used to integrate the DLT to the Enterprise STIR/SHAKEN solution with verifiable credentials and DIDs" servers: - url: https://localhost/v1 paths: /accounts: post: summary: Create an account for an organization/brand, a TNR/TNSP, a BPO, or a KYC Vetter. description: Create an account for an organization/brand, a TNR/TNSP, a BPO, or a KYC Vetter. This will generate a seed and a Key Pair. These will be stored in a secure fashion by the DLT Integration API. The DID will be returned in the response payload and will be used to identify the organization going forward in both the integration API and in the DLT operationId: createAccount tags: - Accounts requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountPostRequest" responses: '201': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" default: description: unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" /accounts/{orgIdParam}: get: summary: Retrieve account information from the Enterprise Identity DL Network, based on the DID/UUID for the account. operationId: getAccount tags: - Accounts parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/orgIdParam' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" default: description: unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" /vetterAuthorization/{orgIdParam}/vetter/{vetterIdParam}: post: summary: Allows an vetter to add the vetted organization data to the DLT operationId: createVettedorganizationOnDLT tags: - Vetter parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/orgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/vetterIdParam' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VetterRequestBody" responses: '201': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/vetterAuthorization" default: description: unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" /vetterAuthorization/{orgIdParam}/history/{historyStatus}: get: summary: Retrieve the vetter Authorization history for a given organization. operationId: getvetterAuthorizationHistory tags: - Vetter parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/orgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/historyStatus' responses: '201': description: Returns Vetted Organization Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/vetterAuthorizationList" default: description: unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" /tnAuthorization: post: summary: Allows an organization to allocate a TN to the DLT for another organization operationId: tnAuthorization tags: - tnAuthorization requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TNAuthorizationList' responses: '201': description: Return the newly created TNAuthorizationList content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TNAuthorizationResponseList' default: description: unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" /callerVerification/{orgIdParam}/tn/{tnIdParam}: get: summary: Retrieve the verification operationId: callerVerification tags: - callerVerification parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/orgIdParam' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/tnIdParam' responses: '201': description: Returns Verification Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/callerVerificationResponse" default: description: unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" components: parameters: orgIdParam: name: orgIdParam in: path required: true description: The DID/UUID of the organization schema: type: string vetterIdParam: name: vetterIdParam in: path required: true description: The DID of the vetter schema: type: string historyStatus: name: historyStatus in: path required: true description: Type of status response . 0 - Current, 1 - History schema: type: integer format: int32 tnIdParam: name: tnIdParam in: path required: true description: Identifier for Telephone Number schema: type: string schemas: AccountPostRequest: description: Input to create a given organization type: object required: - name - type properties: did: type: string description: The DID/UUID of the account. This is assigned during the creation (POST) process and should be left blank for POSTs. name: type: string type: description: Type of organization. 0 - KYC Vetter, 1 - TNR, 2 - Brand, 3 – BPO, 4 – TNSP, 5 – CSP, 6 - TA type: integer format: int32 AccountResponse: description: An account to represent a given organization type: object properties: did: description: Digital distributed identity of the account. This is assigned during the creation (POST) process. This is used going forward to identify the organization. type: string name: type: string type: description: Type of organization. 0 - KYC Vetter, 1 - TNR, 2 - Brand, 3 - BPO, 4- TNSP, 5-CSP, 6-TA type: integer format: int32 privateKey: description: The private key generated for this account by the DLT integration API. type: string didDocument: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DidDocument" createdTS: description: Time that this account was created in UTC milliseconds from EPOCH type: string format: date-time updatedTS: description: Time that this account was last updated in UTC milliseconds from EPOCH type: string format: date-time vetterAuthorization: type: object required: - organization - vetter - status properties: organization: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" vetter: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" status: description: Status of the vetting process. 0 - In Progress, 1 - Complete type: integer format: int32 result: description: Result of the vetting process. 0 - Authorised, 1 - Not Authorised, 2 - Revoked type: integer format: int32 vettedTS: description: Time that this Authorization became effective type: string format: date-time version: description: In the case that an Authorization is updated on the ledger, we will update the version. This will help to identify and order related Authorizations. type: integer format: int32 vetterHistory: type: object required: - organization - vetter - status properties: vetter: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" status: description: Status of the vetting process. 0 - In Progress, 1 - Complete type: integer format: int32 result: description: Result of the vetting process. 0 - Authorised, 1 - Not Authorised, 2 - Revoked type: integer format: int32 vettedTS: description: Time that this Authorization became effective type: string format: date-time version: description: In the case that an Authorization is updated on the ledger, we will update the version. This will help to identify and order related Authorizations. type: integer format: int32 vetterAuthorizationList: type: object required: - organization - vetterAuthorizationList properties: organization: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" vetterAuthorizationList: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/vetterHistory" TNAuthorization: type: object required: - issuerDID - subjectDID - authorizationStartDate - authorizationEndDate - intendedUseOfAuthorization - authorizationType properties: tnId: description: Identifier of the telephone number. type: string issuerDID: description: DID of the organization that is allocating the TN. This is likely the DID of the Issuer. type: string subjectDID: description: DID of the organization that the TN is being allocated to. This is likely the DID of the Subject. type: string intendedUseOfAuthorization: description: Text field tht allows you to specify the intended purpose the TNs in the Authorization will be used for. type: string tnIdType: description: Type of telephone number identifier. (0-E.164, 1-UUID, 2-DID, 3-Verifiable Credential). This field will allow us some flexibility as we grow the solution to allow different types of identifiers for TNs. type: integer format: int32 authorizationType: description: The type of TN authorization, either "Allocation", “Assignment” or “Delegation”. type: string authorizationStartDate: description: Time that this TN Authorization becomes a valid Authorization. Must be a future date. type: string format: date-time authorizationEndDate: description: Time that this TN Authorization will be revoked. Must be a future date. If this is not specified, it is assumed there is no end date type: string format: date-time TNAuthorizationResponse: type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/TNAuthorization" properties: verifiableCredential: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VerifiableCredential" TNAuthorizationList: type: object properties: tnAuthorization: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TNAuthorization" TNAuthorizationResponseList: type: object properties: tnAuthorizationResponse: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TNAuthorizationResponse" VetterRequestBody: type: object properties: status: type: string result: type: integer format: int32 vettedTS: type: string format: date-time description: Time that this authorization became effective version: type: integer format: int32 description: In the case that an authorization is updated on the ledger, we will update the version. This will help to identify and order related authorizations. VerifiableCredential: description: "We pulled this schema from: as a group we will want to agree on what these look like or at least what is required" type: object properties: "@context": description: Sets the context, which establishes the special terms we will use like issuer and alumniOf type: array items: type: string id: description: Identifier for the credential type: string type: description: Crediential types, which declare what data to expect in the credential type: array items: type: string issuer: description: Entity that issued the credential type: string issuanceDate: description: Time that this verifiable credential was issued type: string format: date-time credentialSubject: description: Claims about the subjects of the credential type: object properties: id: description: Identifier about the only subject of the credential type: string alumniOf: type: object properties: id: type: string name: type: array items: type: object properties: value: type: string lang: type: string proof: description: Digital proof that makes the credential tamper-evident. type: object properties: type: description: The cryptographic signature suite that was used to generate the signature type: string created: description: Time that this signature was created. type: string format: date-time proofPurpose: description: Pupose of this proof type: string verificationMethod: description: The identifier of the public key that can verify the signature type: string jws: description: The digital signature value type: string DidDocument: description: "We pulled this schema from: and the DID document of this account in JSON format, including the public key in JWK format. " type: object required: - id properties: "@context": description: Sets the context, which establishes the special terms we will use like issuer and alumniOf type: string id: description: Identifier for the DID Document Subject type: string controller: description: Identifier for the controller DID. This is an alternative to the id DID (subject) type: array items: type: string created: type: string format: date-time updated: type: string format: date-time authentication: description: Authentication is a relationship between the DID subject and a set of verification methods. anyOf: - type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string type: type: string controller: type: string publicKey: description: public key value type: string publicKeyType: description: Type of public key. For instance, RSA, ed25519, secp256k1-koblitz, secp256r1, Curve25519 type: string publicKeyEncoding: description: Encoding used on the publickey value. For instance, Base58(Bitcoin), base64url, or base16. Apparently this is under discussion and these options may be limited in the future. type: string - type: array items: type: string service: description: Service type: array items: type: object required: - id - type - serviceEndpoint properties: id: type: string type: type: string publicKey: type: string serviceEndpoint: type: string proof: description: Cryptographic proof of the integrity of the DID Document according to the subject(id) or controller properties: type: type: string created: description: Date and time of when this proof was created type: string format: date-time creator: description: DID of the creator signatureValue: description: value of the proof's signature type: string callerVerificationResponse: type: object required: - organization - vetter - tnAuthorizationResponse properties: organization: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" vetter: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" result: description: Result of the vetting process. 0 - Authorised, 1 - Not Authorised, 2 - Revoked type: integer format: int32 vettedTS: description: Time that this Authorization became effective type: string format: date-time version: description: In the case that an Authorization is updated on the ledger, we will update the version. This will help to identify and order related Authorizations. type: integer format: int32 tnAuthorizationResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TNAuthorizationResponse" Error: type: object required: - code - message properties: code: type: integer format: int32 message: type: string